The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80736   Message #1492238
Posted By: GUEST,Pat
24-May-05 - 04:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
Sorry to hear about the weeping behind the ear. I haven't experienced that yet and was wondering where it should appear if it did. My incision is still swollen from the ear down, except the end under the chin it's not swollen.

My doctor told me to wear the cap, elastic netting with face hole, 24/7 inorder to prevent that exact thing from happening. If it did happen and it's caught somewhere he would have to drain it out. I was never told about the weeping, not until recently on the internet and now you. Somewhere in my search i did see that there is some sort of treatment for that, via medication or something like that.

I'm not experiencing any real pain, just discomfort. It most definately not feel right chewing on that side of my mouth. When I take my hat off, after awhile I feel some weird sensations around the incision swollen areas - I wonder if it's the early signs of weepage in the beginning stages. Does it hurt when you weep?