The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81489   Message #1492930
Posted By: Bill D
25-May-05 - 12:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mysticism -the rational explanation
Subject: RE: BS: Mysticism the rational exlanation
I didn't read it that way, sounded to me like they were touting the brain as locus of all experience, and the source of 'some'. There's more & more experimental evidence everyday that various parts of the brain work in amazing ways to create our experience of ourselves and of the outside world. The hypothalamus has been found to control much of sexual orientation, for example. (I'm still trying to find some good references for some of the reports I have heard about, but not read.)

New research indicates that memory is not 'imprinted' in a 'spot', as once thought, but stored in pieces on various receptors, and reassembled for use, much as files on a computer are. This can easily lead to mistaken memories if not re-inforced and re-mapped. This is partly why we get confused and contradictory witnesses of car wrecks, for example, and explains how children can 'remember' abuse that never happened when interviewers 'suggest' too much. Memories + Dreams + suggestibility + peer pressure + who-knows-what-else can give us quite a varied mix of truth and fiction...all of which 'feels' very real. A lot more work to do,

(and I'm not sure that witch doctor analogy maps the situation too well...witch doctors begin with false premises....understandable, but leading to inaccurate conclusions, nonetheless)