The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14558   Message #149384
Posted By: KathWestra
14-Dec-99 - 02:56 PM
Thread Name: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
Annap-- I'm making my motel reservation today. Won't be able to get there until sometime Saturday afternoon, since I'll be on a business trip to Tucson all week, flying back into Baltimore VERY late Friday night. But I'll plan to stay until Monday. Can't wait to see your place and all my Mudcat buddies. Jeri, be sure they don't drink all your margaritas before I get there! Oh, and be sure to save some songs for Saturday too. Mick -- there are very cheap flights into Baltimore from G.R. or Detroit. Between the previous offers of seafood, margaritas, and now an offer of a cute chauffeur from Baltimore to SeaBright, couldn't you reconsider???? Kath