The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16196   Message #149443
Posted By: Caitrin
14-Dec-99 - 05:05 PM
Thread Name: Castle Mudcat
Subject: Castle Mudcat
As you come through the snowy forest, you see the mighty fortress rising over the hill. At last you have reached Castle Mudcat! You have heard tales of the court here, and of the fearsome snow legions which guard it. THe castle stands tall and proud ahead of you, its four round towers visible in the distance. The sight of the snow throwers on the battlements make you extremely glad that you are not a would-be invader. (Don't worry, Mbo, you and your army get safe passage, too.) Ceasing your admiration of the castle for the moment, you move on...the feast will begin any minute now!
The guards let down the draw bridge and allow you to cross. As you arrive at the massive wooden door, you note the legend inscribed in the stone above it: "Abandon all sanity, ye who enter here!" You open the door, and the sounds of great merriment reach your ears. Songs and stories of love, glory, honor, and the legends of old abound in Castle Mudcat's great hall. On the walls are luxurious of them appears to be of a man playing a possum.
At the center of the room is a great table, adorned with food of all kinds: Roasts of boar and venison, stew of bear, sallat, fresh brown bread, apple cakes, and lemonwhyt are all there for the taking, along with some nice bowls of rare sugared dates. Even the trenchers look good! For drinks, there are mulled apple cider, French wine, and good English ale. A warm fire burns in the huge fireplace behind the table.
As you prepare to sit, a young woman runs up to you: 'tis Lady Caitrin (Also known as the Snow General).
"Welcome to Castle Mudcat!" she says. "'tis my first feast that I've been mistress of, so I'm a tad nervous. Please, have a seat. Take some food and drink!".
Is everything to your liking, milords and ladies of the realm of Mudcat?