The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81569   Message #1495247
Posted By: Big Mick
28-May-05 - 08:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: War Propaganda & Military Holidays
Subject: RE: BS: War Propaganda & Military Holidays
No, Martin, it is you who don't know what you are talking about. On several scores.

First, this GUEST and I have had severe disagreements over several years. These centered around my desire to remember those I served with that didn't make it home. GUEST has very strong objections to these holidays, and their intent, and enunciates them well so there is no need for me to speak for her. In my thread, I asked that if there was to be a discussion of things other than that, that a separate thread be started.

As to my views of war and warriors, those are two separate subjects. I find this current war to be an abomination. It was based on lies, thousands of Iraqui's (most of them innocent bystanders) have died, America's youth are being killed, maimed, and emotionally scarred for a cause which shifts with the day. It was founded on a lie and continues to be a lie. As to my hypocrisy about war, you can go fuck yourself. I understand it on a level I don't think you do. You strike me as a typical phoney conservative. You were a liberal while the shooting was going on, and turned conservative when the money was involved. You may exercise your right to criticize me, and I reserve the right to point out that you haven't a clue what it is really about.

In short, if you can't make the distinction, I can't be bothered explaining it to you.
