The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79224   Message #1495333
Posted By: HuwG
28-May-05 - 11:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Second Joke Thread for 2005
Subject: RE: BS: Second Joke Thread for 2005
A man decides to replace the stereo system in his car. The salesman says, "Rather than just replace the system with the same model, would you be interested in our latest voice-activated hands-off intelligent model ?"

"How does that work ?"

"Let me give you a test drive in our demonstration car." The two get into the demo car and set off. The salesman says "OK. Radio on, BBC Radio 2". The radio turns itself on, and the car is filled with the sounds of golden oldie rock.

"Latest traffic reports, this area". The radio searches the local bands for a while, and then switches to a traffic report from a nearby radio station.

"Classical". The radio switches to BBC Radio 3 which is broadcasting something heavy by Bach. "No, too heavy. Something lighter". The radio switches to Classic FM, which is doing a Vivaldi concerto.

"You see", says the salesman. "This radio is intelligent enough to process and recognise any request, based on your mood and on availiable material". Just then, a child chases a football into the middle of the road ahead of them. The salesman slams on the brakes and screeches to a halt.

"F***ing children !", he says.

The radio starts playing something by Michael Jackson.