The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81477   Message #1495396
Posted By: GUEST,Sebastian
29-May-05 - 04:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Any one speak Globish? This is serious..
Subject: RE: BS: Any one speak Globish? This is serious..
Hazardous I got the information about this discussion (via Esperanto...). Let me please inform you, that there are many persons in the world who are uzing Esperanto. For example in Hungary Esperanto is the third-often learned language at school.
Until now are nearly 1000 projects of planned languages known. Esperanto is the _ONLY ONE_ who really successed and is now used in the whole world.

Of course it may be, that you until now not yet conscious met a person, who speaks it to you - because you aren't speaking it by yourself. Why anyone should speak to you in Esperanto?

Go on, surf on the net, and you will discouver millions of pages about and in Esperanto. Start for example here: or learn a little bit Esperanto: / Then you are perhaps in a better state to estimate the positive aspects of Esperanto.

By the way: Excuse my not-so-good English. I spent over 6 years in school to learn a bit (did you have to spent the time for learning German as a foreign language too?). 2 years ago I started with self-learning Esperanto and now I speak it MUCH better than English and daily use it (and I teach Esperanto also...). Unfortunately you don't speak Esperanto so it isn't very helpful to write to you in Esperanto...

You know, why languages are spreading or not? It's related to power over folks or a power struggle. I can't explain it good in English. But the important thing is: A language like English is not getting the actual "worldwide language" because it is the best language (by the way: Does a best language exist? How it looks? Would you like a garden full with only red roses? Wouldn't it be better having many various flowers? Same way with languages. The diversity is always important.). We here in Germany HAVE to learn English, because people think, that only with English you will have a future in Economics... Formerly the latin language was the most important, then the french, now english, tomorrow chinese?
It is not very clever deciding one NATIONAL language be the worldwide language. That ever will be unfair to most of the people, who don't speak it as a mother tongue. Specially, if are existing better solves like Esperanto.

I have to finish ;-) If you like, you can write to me at esperanto (at) kirf. net, preferably in Esperanto, but I will also understand English (if it is not too complicate) ;-)

Kore salutas el Emden, Germanujo


By the way: If you had been used Google before demanding about the existence of Esperanto, you would know it a little more better (and I am very certain, that this is very bad grammar ;-))