The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81569   Message #1495601
Posted By: Frankham
29-May-05 - 03:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: War Propaganda & Military Holidays
Subject: RE: BS: War Propaganda & Military Holidays
This is not the greatest country in the world. There isn't one.
We have some intellectual and political freedom here but it is being jeapordized daily by business interests who are getting something out of war. Poor and uneducated young men and women are being scapegoated by military higher-ups in this administration who are immune from the atrocities they plan and committ.
n the meantime, the violence escalates and the division becomes greater. The war in Iraq is a fiasco. The press doesn't cover what's really going on over there. Today's military is becoming increasingly fascistic and although they are used to marching orders, there used to be at least a caveat by the likes of Eisenhower about the "industrial military complex", which is a descriptive term for fascism, the melding of business interests and war. Today, Memorial Day should be observed for the innocent victims on all sides of the stupid and meaningless war in Iraq.

Frank Hamilton