The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81637   Message #1496917
Posted By: open mike
31-May-05 - 05:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muffin required!
Subject: RE: BS: Muffin required!
banana date walnut ones are yummy too..
will check for recipe..i think i use the
regular bread recipe and bake in muffin
cups...don't change any thing except baking
time. (line pans with paper muffin cups
for easy clean-up)

buy the way i recently got an r.v. stove/oven
from e-bay that i now take with me camping and
set it up on the picnic table in the camp ground
with propane bottle to "power" it...i baked a
cake in camp!! woo hoo what a wonderful treat.

i have a sourdough starter ("Amish" friendship
bread or cake) that i got over a year ago and I
keep it active by adding to it regularly and
baking frequently...every 7-10 days.

i would give the recipe, but it needs the starter
too, whci i would be happy to share if i could
find a way to send it. The postal inspectors may
have a problem with it might be an
explosive...aren't there some putty like substances
that blow up? They are always using them to blast
doors open in the movies....maybe it it jsut a
movie prop type of thingy...