The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81651   Message #1497147
Posted By: Pauline L
01-Jun-05 - 01:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Deep Throat' Revealed (non bawdy)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Deep Throat' Revealed (non bawdy)
Robomatic said, "Still, its nice to remember an era when a free and independent news organization could defy a powerful Administration which kept a serious enemies list." So true. Also it was a simpler era technologically. Meeting someone in a dark parking garage after seeing a potted geranium in a certain place on someone else's balcony -- those things would be tracked electronically so easily today. Just imagine a GPS device implanted on Felt, Woodward, or Bernstein. How awful!

I agree heartily with Bill D. I have tremendous respect for the man who took such risks to do what he believed was right. He may have been PO'd by being passed over for a promotion but he may well have had the same motive as people from CRP (Committe to Re-Elect the President) and the Republican Party. They initially supported Nixon but were disgusted when they found out some of the things he had done. Deep Throat knew so much more about what had happened and was arguably so much more disgusted than the small fry. Hats off to Deep Throat.