The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81622   Message #1497189
Posted By: GUEST
01-Jun-05 - 03:44 AM
Thread Name: Review: BNP Folk Festival
Subject: RE: Review: BNP FOLK FESTIVAL
Look, folk(ie)s - this is NOT about folk and NOT about music either. This thread, and all other such threads started anonymously referring to the BNP are about BNP ITSELF. Thei objective is to draw you into a discussion, on the off chance that once in a blue moon one of you might be interested to find out more. Look, how many of you have visited their website because of this message, that is a small win for them already.

They are trying to infiltrate every community you care to think of, in this way. Music communities, sports communities, civil action groups, aid organisations, you name it, they're after it.

So leave the fuckers well alone. Let such threads die. I know that by writing this I am giving this thread another boost to the top, but how else to warn you?

And yes, I am a member, but I have good reason not to want to be identified by the BNP. One day soon I expect to be in their sights, just as some friends of mine are already - but I don't want to hasten the process.