The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81677   Message #1497546
Posted By: Little Robyn
01-Jun-05 - 03:27 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Sands of the shore.
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Sands of the shore.
Is it this one?

CHORUS: The sands o' the shore and the waves o' the sea;
When his back is turned, he's a stranger to me,
Aye, a stranger to me, and as strange as can be;
I care nae more for him than the waves o' the sea.

I aince had a true love, but noo I hae nane;
He took awa' my hairt, but I got it back again.
Aye, I got it back again, and as frail though it be,
I care nae more for him than the waves o' the sea.


He gave me the present of a fine diamond ring;
He thought it would entice me to gang awa' wi' him,
But I wasnae sae foolish as he took me to be--
For I care nae more for him than the waves o' the sea.


Oh he is the son of some high-rankin' kin,
While I am just the daughter of a poor workin' man.
But he can drink his wine, and I'll sip my tea;
For I care nae more for him than the waves o' the sea.