The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81680   Message #1497668
Posted By: robomatic
01-Jun-05 - 06:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: More Muslim Intolerance (2)
Subject: BS: More Muslim Intolerance (2)
I have a slow computer, and I also perceive that the original Muslim Intolerance thread has drifted somewhat from the act of inception, which was the brutal street murder of Theo Van Gogh.

I want to bring forth some more current events, the airing of yet another "elders of Zion" type theme on Arab daytime TV:

Jordanian Soap Opera - Jews Using Voodoo To Destroy Muhammed

and a relatively new story of an attempt to sue Oriana Fallaci based on her critique of radical Muslims.

Oriana Fallaci

It's pretty important to restate that Islam as a religion is like its sister religions, Judaism and Christianity. All have within them seeds of intolerance, and one can't denigrate one without looking to see if one is perhaps turning a blind eye toward one's more habitual spiritual haunts.

Having said that, I belive it is possible that the murder of Theo Van Gogh and acts of anti-semitism in France, the Madrid bombings, and a lack of a counter-clerical movement in European Islam has probably had a hand in the current no votes toward the European constitution in France and the Netherlands.

Having said that, we are also experiencing a war within Islam between the hidebound orthodox clerics, and those who, like the leaders of the Enlightenment in Europe, wish to free the minds of their followers.