The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2595   Message #14979
Posted By: Gene
19-Oct-97 - 10:53 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Pfft! You Was Gone: 'Where, oh where...?'
Subject: Lyr Add: PFFT! YOU WAS GONE
HI...well, it's too late for the past Friday night...maybe you can use this version by Archie Campbell another time.

Tho' noted primarily for his story telling ability...old Archie occasionally sang a ditty or two....I stumbled across this old LP while searching for something else tonight.

Recorded by Archie Campbell
Words and music by Lee Roberts


INTRO: You [G] met an-[D] other and [A7] Pfft! You Was [D] Gone.

[G] Where, oh where [D] are you tonight?
Why did you leave me [E] here all a-[A7] lone
I [D] searched the world over and I [G] thought I'd found [D] true love
You [G] met an-[D] other and [A7] Pfft! You Was [D] Gone.

Lord, I'll never forget the first time I saw her
Boy, was she a girl!
That's what ev'rybody kept askin' me;
"Was she a girl?"
'Course she had ev'rything a man would want
Muscles, Mustache!

[D] I miss you so much, the [G] 'taters need [D] diggin'
The corn in the field, it [E] needs pickin' [A7] now
How [D] well I remember the [G] first time I [D] met you
You [G] looked so [D] purty a-[A7] pullin' that [D] plow.


I'll tell you one thing
She had the most beautiful hair a-hangin' down her back
None on her head, jist on her back
I'll tell you one thing
I love the ground her daddy struck oil on.

Your lips are as red as boysenberries
Your ears look like a big cabbage leaf
Your eyes bug out like an old pop-eyed Mullet
Your hair is like haywire and it hangs to your feet.


Tell you one thing, she's got a fine figure
She's got a HI-FI phonographic figure
Forty-five, seventy-eight, thirty-three and a third
Only trouble is, she's got a long-play tongue.

I thought that my love was all you wanted
I thought that my money meant nothing to you
I thought that the hogs would stay in the hog-pen
That's what I thought, dear, but you took them all.