The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81658   Message #1498068
Posted By: Alba
02-Jun-05 - 07:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush tells another WHOPPER
Subject: RE: BS: Bush tells another WHOPPER
As a fellow Sagittarius Azizi I can understand the "foot in mouth" thingy that accompanies our Sun sign:>)

My moon in Libra makes me try to avoid it !!! but then my Scorpio rising doesn't assist in doing so ***bg***

I've decided I would bring a Chocolate Praline Pie that I make.
Ill try just about anything in the pie area. Strawberry/Rhubarb, Key Lime and Peanut butter yum!

The Sweet Potato pie sounds delish...I love Sweet Potato
So it would seem this gathering would not only be of Mind and Music but also a gathering of a few inches on the waistline...oh well you only live once (maybe)

Brightest Blessings to ALL