The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81658   Message #1498088
Posted By: Bobert
02-Jun-05 - 08:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush tells another WHOPPER
Subject: RE: BS: Bush tells another WHOPPER
Wow, one minute we're talkin' about "The Lies of Bush" and the next plannin' fir a picnic... Well, personally, I like the idea of a picnic a whole lot more than either listenin' to Bush lie or talkin' about it... first of all, grandma's potato salad goes with pulled chicken jus' fine... Got big chucnks of taters an' ain't all runny like them store-boughten's.... Yummy....

Now still bein' the resident hillbilly you can count on me fir the my usual "Bobert's Possum Stew" which has won many an award in it's day... BTW, it's all in the freshness of the possum... I just leave some cat food on the back deck and the little buggers come right up to the kitchen door...Pratically climb into the pot.. Now that is fresh... No road kill fir me... No sir.... 'er mam either... Yummmmmeeeeee......
