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Thread #81651   Message #1498136
Posted By: robomatic
02-Jun-05 - 09:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Deep Throat' Revealed (non bawdy)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Deep Throat' Revealed (non bawdy)
I have been very suspect of the FBI on more than one level since the Twin Towers were hit. They have been critiqued by their own people, most prominently by a female agent who released a long 'memo' to the Press.

Meanwhile, for those who want to make a selfless hero out of the actions of a senior official who arguably could have used his influence within the system, check out today's story in the New York Times:

In the Prelude to Publication, Intrigue Worthy of Deep Throat

It brings out the notable fact that although Woodward and Bernstein and The Washington Post broke the inside Watergate story and protected the identity of Felt, Felt and his family gave the 'revelation' story to Vanity Fair. Isn't this apparent ingratitude? Well, apparently the Felt family were trying to make the best deal they could.

I do not blame the Felt family. Why shouldn't they look after their own interests? But a confidential source is just that. Felt didn't write the stories. Felt didn't do the research or the the leg-work. He provided vital bits of assistance. That's what it means to be a confidential informant. No more.

They don't give medals to confidential informants (yet).

Part of the 'value' to the current story is that his identity was kept for so long, and there are enough people around at this time to care. If the story was revealed say, twenty years from now, it would be a footnote.

And let us not overlook the fact that in the book and especially the movie, highlighting the role of the confidential source, giving it a suggestive name, filling the role with the wonderful character actor Hal Holbrook, gave it a dramatic intensity that probably outweighs its importance in real life.

Rob's Parable: There is a local chain of very (deservedly) successful fish restaurants in the Boston area. One of their logos is a grinning thick-lipped fish. A few years ago I heard that the artist who was paid a fixed fee to come up with the logo sued the owners for more money. This struck me as unjust. The restaurant chain spent many years building a reputation for good food and service. If they hadn't had that logo they would have had some logo. (I don't know how the situation was resolved).

Similarly, Deep Throat played a minor yet near pivotal role in The Post's Watergate story. Does he deserve to have a share in the story of his own identity? Certainly. Does he deserve a cut of the overall Watergate Story?

That's for the courts to decide!