The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81658   Message #1498147
Posted By: robomatic
02-Jun-05 - 09:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush tells another WHOPPER
Subject: RE: BS: Bush tells another WHOPPER
On the food thread. I took no offense to Azizi's reluctance to try pie with rhubarb, and mentioning that the very sound of the word had influence. I thought that was very honest and perceptive.

Notwithstanding Shakesepeare's observation in Romeo and Juliet that: "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet"* we are very motivated by impressions created by sounds. I think that is half the success of French cooking. Would you rather have cooking or cuisine? Would you rather have chicken in wine sauce or coq au vin?

As for rhubarb, I came late to that party. I was a reluctant eater when young, only ate white bread, broiled chicken, and meat had to be done to the level of bricquette (I can't get away from the French in this post!). A visit to the Soviet Union and I came back willing to pretty much eat anything. My Mom was ready to write a thank you letter to Brezhnev!

An attractive lady of Anglo pursuasion got me to eat rhubarb. "The secret," she said as she batted her eyes, "is sugar."

Lots of sugar. Diabetic coma inducing heaps of sweet sweet sugar.

But rhubarb is a big friendly Northern plant. I've seen Tryffid sized examples in New Hampshire. In Alaska there is a wild variant that grows herb-sized on the tundra. Or at least that's what I was told I was eating on the trail. Mixed with strawberries and thickened with a little corn starch to adjust viscosity, it makes the grandest pie in the world, MORE American than apple pie.

and at one time I made really really great pies.

Anyhow, Azizi, no need to 'pologize. But if you're in humble pie mode (!) I'd sure like to have your recipe for sweet potato pie including explaining to me the difference between sweet potatos and yams <= I sense an entire thread could be devoted to that little matter.

*I modestly claim to have improved on Shakespeare by my own couplet: 'A rose by any other name would stink the same' Mine rhymes!