The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81672   Message #1498167
Posted By: JudyB
02-Jun-05 - 09:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dissolving clouds (how not to do a test)
Subject: RE: BS: Dissolving clouds (how not to do a test)
Years ago a friend showed me he could dissolve clouds, and I was suitably impressed. Must admit, however, that when I considered learning to do it myself, my first thought was not that I needed to meditate on channeling my psychic energy but that I needed to figure out how to pick the right clouds.

That said, I do believe things in the universe are connected in ways that aren't immediately obvious, and I'm not ready to swear that if there are two identical clouds (first improbability) and I focus on one, it won't dissolve faster than the other (sun reflecting off my nose at my chosen cloud? who knows?).

I do know that I'm not likely to do the double-blind type study necessary to prove the light-reflected-off-nose theory unless someone wants to give me a big grant!

And if one person staring for 5 minutes can dissolve one small cloud, how many people staring for how many minutes would it take to open a nice sunny hole in the rainclouds over a ballpark so the game could go on? Inquiring minds want to know these things!
