The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16196   Message #149817
Posted By: InOBU
15-Dec-99 - 10:35 AM
Thread Name: Castle Mudcat
Subject: RE: Castle Mudcat
Ah my my my... A cat in the wee castle. Genie and I have to leave the third member of our family behind, Bongo Knock, (a mouse who lives in a six room plastic house known as the Bongorium). Bongo, who s name means broken nose in Romaness (Gypsy), is not nearly as fond of cats as they are of him. In fact, our Bongo is a health food nut, the only one in the family and would not touch the roast beef, though I will- though shouldnt - especially if it is the good old solid English beef (made from good old merry English Mad Cow) and my ould favorite, Yorkshire pud, which I would be there early enough to make... Bongo, who loves Uilleann pipe music, has eclectic tastes, he loves medievil music, so where it not for above said cat, he would enjoy the castle, however, Genie my wife, has caught him on occation watching Clint Eastwood movies - not at all the kind of thing for a well run castle... So, Bongo keeps the home fires burning, while the old Uilleann Pipe case goes over the shoulder, and we make our way through the brack to Castle Mudcat (which I hope fares better than Castle Otway Co. Tip. Ire, - now a ruin like the rest of us Otways -a casualty about 1922)
Save a place by the fire for the piper
Larry Otway