The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81688   Message #1498215
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
02-Jun-05 - 10:49 AM
Thread Name: Hominy grits and collard greens
Subject: RE: Hominy grits and collard greens
My neighbor across the street cooks up greens by first cooking some bacon and leaving the drippings in the pan (or to be more heart healthy, uses a cooking oil) and sautees onions and seasonings, then puts the greens in and lets them wilt down and get stirred around in the oil. She also dices up a turnip and stir frys that in with the greens. They're very good and she serves this with cornbread or corn muffins.

Some greens are better for this method than others. Chard that has gotten big is good (don't use the old tough leaves or they can be kind of bitter) but spinach is so delicate that it doesn't behave in the same way. I also use chard to cut into strips and put in soup and such. I've used chard as the green in a middle eastern lamb and spinach recipe (seasoning and lamb sauteed in olive oil, greens added and turned until they're wilted, then sprinkle in a handful of pine nuts. Serve over rice with yogurt sauce).