The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81708   Message #1498464
Posted By: Dave'sWife
02-Jun-05 - 03:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: And the prisons shall be empty...
Subject: RE: BS: And the prisons shall be empty...
I don't think it's from the Bible. I've checked 4 different translations for the words "prison' "Prisons' and 'Jail' and nothing even close.

During Pr-Roman times, prisons as we know them did not exists and it imprisonment was only done whilst awaiting trial. My Bible concordance makes note of this by pointing out the odd places where various old testament figures were held such as a Cistern (Joseph) a well (Jeremiah) and so on. So if it is biblical, it would be more likely to be from the Greek Scriptures.. maybe Acts?

Where IS Joe Offer whn you need him.. I bet he'd know.