The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81672   Message #1498470
Posted By: Ebbie
02-Jun-05 - 04:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dissolving clouds (how not to do a test)
Subject: RE: BS: Dissolving clouds (how not to do a test)
John O'Lennaine, I operate on the same principle. Just perhaps underneath those pairs of underpants was just what you need. *G* I don't expect that everything will always be convenient.

Day before yesterday I was out traipsing around by bus. In Juneau if you are 65, you can acquire a bus pass that allows you to travel free. So that is what I used.

I went to a pawnshop - which I mentioned on another thread, in connection with a guitar- then when I got back on another bus I couldn't find my pass. I decided that when I had taken off my jacket on the first bus it had fallen out of my pocket.

Paid my fare and went home, leaving the matter up to the fates - and to the first busdriver.

That night I got a phone call from the secretary of the local office of Alaska State Parks, for whom I work in this house museum, saying that she had happened to go into a shop and there on the counter was my bus pass. They had found it on the sidewalk and brought it inside. They had no idea who it belonged to- my picture is on it- but of course the secretary knew. She was amazed that I had lost it just hours earlier. She delivered it to me yesterday morning.

I love serendipty- and count on it.