The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81721   Message #1498535
Posted By: GUEST,William Shatner
02-Jun-05 - 05:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chimps, Shatner, Cubs......(?)
Subject: RE: BS: Chimps, Shatner, Cubs......(?)
I've played opposite a chimp in one or two minor films. I have to say it was less of a chore than playing opposite De Forest Kelly. Don't get me wrong, I loved Dee. He was a great guy. His acting style...that was a little...offbeat. You had to pace yourself in rythm with his chaotic eyebrow twitches. Leonard Nimoy also has an eyebrow twich that can pin a Nile crocodile right to the ground, but with Nimoy you know when it's coming. With Dee, it was hard to tell. His eyebrows were out of control. It took years for me to get used to it. Years. You have to be ready to roll with the punches when you go to Hollywood.

As for the Cubs...not a bad team. I like them. But not as much as I like racehorses and the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders. Not half as much, in fact.

Got my new CD yet? If you don't, you're seriously missing out.