The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81708   Message #1498649
Posted By: Bobert
02-Jun-05 - 06:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: And the prisons shall be empty...
Subject: RE: BS: And the prisons shall be empty...
Well, yeah, this would probably go a long ways toward closin' down the prisons... And getting there are going to involve a different consciousness... The current culture is way to nilhistic and greedy... not to mention ignorant... I can somewhat forgive the ignorant part becuase way too many folks are way too busy to get beyond the propaganda that they are force feed on a daily basis by greedier folks then themselves...

I'd just like to also agree that we could cut the current incarceration in half if we were to look at all the folks who are servin' time for victimless crimes, such as drug addicts... But this is going to take another consciousness...

But lastly, I have mentioned this idea in the past but I'd love to see a public private partnership between business and prisons and have employed inmates who are are part of a business so that when he or she is released will have a job and a leg up on not becoming another recivitist stat....
