The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81708   Message #1498660
Posted By: Little Hawk
02-Jun-05 - 07:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: And the prisons shall be empty...
Subject: RE: BS: And the prisons shall be empty...
Agreed, saulgoldie. Although society is never perfect, the most irresponsible and unthinking reason to put up with its many imperfections is just to say, "Well, that's human nature, and it will never change.

Most social problems are driven by:




broken homes

divisive politics and religions

pragmatism (survival of the "fittest")

and worship of money to the exclusion of other much more vital aspects of reality, such as equality, love, and responsibility to one's fellow living beings.

All anyone needs is enough money, but to a ruthless social competitor no amount is ever enough. And from that stem most of the problems. Thus, "the LOVE of money is the root of all evil", as it says in the Bible. (I'd qualify that, and say it is the root of most evil, but not all. Egocentrism is also the root of much evil.)