The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81658   Message #1498736
Posted By: Azizi
02-Jun-05 - 08:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush tells another WHOPPER
Subject: RE: BS: Bush tells another WHOPPER
It just occurred to me-if Bev and Jerry hadn't used a word that reminds some people of FOOD {e.g. WHOPPER}, then maybe we'd have stuck to the real issue of this thread.

But let the record show that it was Susu's Hubby's post of 01 Jun 05 - 04:09 PM that started this thread drift to food when he said:

"Here's what we can do....

Turn 'em all loose and have them build houses in Bev and Jerry's neighborhood. Maybe they can invite Bobert,heric, Alba, Donuel, Amos, kendall, Giok, dianavan, Pauline L and brucie over on friday nights for tea and lessons on how to kill the American swine."


Notice that Susu's Hubby wants people to gather together to learn the best methods of killing American PIGS.

I guess since his Susu ran over that cow, SH wants to make sure people are more careful about the destruction of animals.

American pork lovers, sausage & hot dog makers, and the fast food industry will appreciate Susu Hubby's concern for how their WHOOPERS ended their lifes.

Even though I haven't eaten pork in 40 years or more, I applaud you, Susu's Hubby, for caring so much about the lowly American swine, those filthy, dirty oink oink beasts.