The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81478   Message #1498807
Posted By: Ron Davies
02-Jun-05 - 10:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: The way it should be......
Subject: RE: BS: The way it should be......
Now. let's see--stereotyping, smearing, guilt by association, attempts to dehumanize an opponent--all tactics by "Martin Gibson".

Now where have we seen them before?

Try the Nazis' tactics.

Fascinating, "Martin", that you would use the exact tactics the Nazis did to attack their opponents (before eliminating them)--and not just Jews, but also homosexuals and gypsies.

Also very interesting-- last night I heard an interview with one of the most prominent television journalists in Israel (active since 1968, and fought in the 6 Days War.) He stated that it was a mistake to increase Israeli settlements in the West Bank. He is not alone in Israel in feeling this way.

Truly amazing, "Martin", that you, from your vast experience living in Israel-- (how long did you say you lived there?)-- know better than many Israelis who've been living there for decades.

Of course we can be sure that all these Israelis not enthusiastic about West Bank settlements are (pick one or more) 1) homosexual 2) not real Jews or 3) weak Jews. How can we be sure? Because "Martin" says so. So it must be right.

Well, it's good to have some certainty in the world.