The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81658   Message #1498909
Posted By: dianavan
03-Jun-05 - 01:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush tells another WHOPPER
Subject: RE: BS: Bush tells another WHOPPER
My daughter had a Vietnamese pot belly pig given to her. His name was Hamlet. He lived with us for about a year in a city townhouse! He was very, very clean. He would never think of soiling the house. He would stay home all day alone and wait until we got home so that he could go to his box on the patio.

He was so clean, I was amazed! He ate a 1/2 cup of special food and that was it. He was so affectionate that he would get up on the couch and lay his head in your lap if you let him. He was also very sensitive. If you spoke harshly to him, he would sadly walk away and hide.

Needless to say, the neighbors were horrified. I could live with that but it was my son that couldn't deal with it. He found the whole situation disgusting, especially when the pig oinked and squealed.   Eventually, Hamlet went to a farm where I hope he lived happily ever after.

Hamlet changed my perception of pigs forevermore. I have had dogs and cats, chickens, goats, sheep and cows. Of all the pets, the pig was the cleanest and most intelligent.