The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81651   Message #1499133
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
03-Jun-05 - 09:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Deep Throat' Revealed (non bawdy)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Deep Throat' Revealed (non bawdy)
It is truly ironic that Mark Felt was later convicted of orgainizing an ilegal break in and pardoned by Reagan.   In court he said that the need to gather evidence was more important than the constitution or the rule of law.   HOW IRONIC.   The left called Felt a villan at the time and criticized Reagan.   Now they call him a hero.

Funny- my definition of a hero is not a person who committed a crime, hid in anyominidy, and than continued to lie about it for years saying it wasn't him.

Woodward also lied about it in a Playboy interview when he said that Deep Throat wasn't someone in the intelligence community. He also portrayed Deep Throat as a heavy smoker and drinker even though Felt didn't drink, and had given up smoking long before Watergate.   (is there a pattern for liberals- the more you lie the bigger the hero you are.   I know, Felt lied and nobody died)

Someone made the comment that no one today would do what Felt had done.   How about Linda Tripp who exposed the wrongdoings of Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky.   She had the courage to do it without anominity.   Far braver than Felt.   If Felt is a hero, than Tripp should be a saint.    How about the whistle blowers of Enron?   They also did not hide behind an anonomous source.

The legacy of Woodward and Bernstein is that reporters believed they made the news rather than reported the news.   They also believed they controlled the agenda and thought it was their right to bring down anyone they disagreed with.   That has resulted in Jayson Blair, Dan Rathergate, Steve Crofts alar story, the NBC exploding car story, the Newsweek phony Koran story, and numerous other examples of made up journalism.   At Least Woodward and bernstein did their homework, worked hard, and got numerous confirmations before proceeding.   The rest of the media could learn from that.