The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81658   Message #1499146
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
03-Jun-05 - 09:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush tells another WHOPPER
Subject: RE: BS: Bush tells another WHOPPER
My first reaction to reading this thread was to ignore it. Bev and Jerry are a bunch of brain dead lemmings.   They probably mean well, but have never had an original thought and have admitted in a thread they are too steeped in ideology to have any objectiving thinking.

The whopper that Bush told is that he discredited the AI report. WOW!   Incredible.   What a lie.   Lets put AI right up there with all the other liberal bastions of truth- Bill Clinton, Michael Moore, Dan Rather, Jesse Jackson, Ted Turner, Yasser Arafat, Howard Dean, Hulk Hogan, and Badgad Bob.   

Perhaps AI could have looked over the fence into Cuba.   How about an interview with Castro dissidents.   Might be hard to find them as they are all dead or imprisoned.   

If this is the best Gulag we could run, I would be very embarrassed.   When compared with Cuba, North Korea, Russia, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Cambodia, and many other countries too numerous to mention we should be embarrassed.   We are not even in the same class as the gulags for these other countries.   In the USA we strive to be number one in everything. I would venture to say we may not even be in the top 100 gulags in the world.   

The only reason AI can call us out, is because we are the only country that wouldn't have them executed for doing so.

For Bev and Jerry- Maybe next time we could have Bush bite his lip, get a little teary in his eye, wag his finger at the american people in a press conference and say "I never had torture with that insurgent, I feel their pain"