The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16196   Message #149923
Posted By: Ian Stephenson
15-Dec-99 - 03:12 PM
Thread Name: Castle Mudcat
Subject: RE: Castle Mudcat
WHY IS IT that when I hath pull-ed this banjo from outeth thiseth rock, it budgeth not? I fear its machine headth are embedded in the magical singing granite.. SWEET ICE MAIDENS, I fear I may have once again embarres'd me-self in front of thy delicate company....."Thou isth wimpyest of all wimps" I hear you quoth, but I have been punished for taking on a task greater than my strength.
WHO DARES pull the banjo from outeth the rock, and who has the almighty strength to be KING OF MUDCAT.
BUT BEWARE! for the goblins are rife with evil spirits of the night.