The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81658   Message #1499278
Posted By: GUEST
03-Jun-05 - 12:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush tells another WHOPPER
Subject: RE: BS: Bush tells another WHOPPER
SURELY that isn't the best you can come up with...!!!!
Comparing Bush denying the information in AI's report to Clinton denying having a Blowjob.
Then again maybe it is if your record is anything to go by.
What between the two remarks would disturb me most.
1. I did have sex with that Woman
2. We do have prisoners who are tortured and kept without trial in a Gulag. Some Prisoners are even outsourced by us for Torture.
Now let me see...tough one.

#1 is my choice.

Forgive me if I do not even attempt to compile a list of Liars from the Right but one thing Ill agree with you on is that this Country under this administration does indeed strive to be number 1. In most of the World's opinion however we rank about 230 down that perfection list at the moment. You should travel more.
So I fear in starting a list of, let's not hurt anyone's feelings and call it 'names of right Truth benders' most People trying to get to the end of the 'names of right Truth benders' list would still be reading this post at midnight tonight.

As usual a rather pathetic argument comes from a Bush goon.

Off topic again and back to Food,

Now Ice Cream to go with all these Pies that have been mentioned previously.
That opens up a whole new discussion.
Do you make Ice cream Bev and Jerry? I personally do not like Ben and Jerry's Ice cream flavors. So if you do that would be an interesting Company name twist to market your Product. I would be willing to try 'Bev and Jerry's Ice Cream" if it was for sale.
I think Guest has something there.

Larry, sadly has not and never does but I am sure he will keep trying to make it right for the right.