The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39940   Message #1499381
Posted By: Dave'sWife
03-Jun-05 - 02:19 PM
Thread Name: The Song Stuck in Your Head, Science
Subject: RE: The Song Stuck in Your Head, Science
Does anybody else ever dream entire songs being played? I often will have dreams in which entire songs play or are sung (sometimes by me) with full musical accompaniment.

I believe this is the fault of a friend of mine who is a neurologist specialising in researh. About 12 years ago he clued me into using Biofeedback to get rid of Migraines and to cure insomnia. He explained to me that I should listen to a piece of music I know almost by heart and listen to it over and over again until I could lower my herat rate and regulate the pain at will. I started using the Biofeedback machines but after a few lessons, its easy enough to do at home.

You aren't supposed to use music that is new to you because that requires active listening and interferes with the process. I've gotten so good at it that I can merely close my eyes now and just 'imagine' the music I use for the process. It has also worked so well that In sometimes hear entire movements of symphonies in my sleep. At least that music is soothing!

The odd part is I will sometimes wake up knowing I have hear a song in my dream that I don't believe I already know. I hear the whole thing usually., If I write down the lyrics, I can usualy find it is a real song and one I likely heard as a child. That seems to relate to what olver sacks was saying about music we hear in the first 15 years of life staying with us.

What's awful is, sometimes the music is so lovely, I resent being awakened!