The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81770   Message #1499582
Posted By: GUEST,sorefingers
03-Jun-05 - 05:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Talkradio gone right off the road!
Subject: BS: US Talkradio gone right off the road!
Most of our European muddies probably don't know about US mainline Talkradio and how that has gradualy evolved into something so like the Nazi/fascist propaganda machine of the 1930's that sometimes one could be forgiven for asking the day month and year.

We used just have Wus Bimbo ( AKA Rush Dumbhole ) now there is a line of them, all reformed Leftie Liberals who have gotten older and do pretty much the same old rubbish, ie., twist the facts, create false news, ad hominem attacks on their old friends, and so on.

What is most startling this last week is the abuse they vent on France and the EU. In German it would sound like the Nazis justifying the invasion of France and Holland.

One particularly nasty attack on the French after the NO win in France- by Miss Lora Ingratefull Polak wannabe Miss Adolf - shrieked over the airwaves 'the ???? French lanuage is dead already' adding without actually saying it, the French are finished so who cares about them anyway.

Besides Miss Hitler we have the Jewish club of Mr Praeger and Mrs Bedwed, also midday. The morning brings us Mr Bennet ( Catholic apologist pro life pro dollar man ) ex US Government drug Czar and all around word juggler but as rightwing as Musolini on a his worst day.

What is most scary about this trend is the lack of alternative shows and those that do take the p*** out of the right tend now to be on Digital which is OC subscriber only.

Remember most of these folks were as Liberal as can be, and all of them suceed by the same tricks since the very start. Ie they lie, they make up news, the quote out of context, they attack people not the fallacies of the opposition, they use false callers - ie people who pretend to be calling in-, they rarely if ever have calls from liberals.

Its a scary thing to see again the same evils which Woody Guthrie wrote about taking hold...oh and these new Fascists are big on beating the immigrant to death just like the bulls and thugs of the 1920-30's did.