The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81771   Message #1499624
Posted By: George Papavgeris
03-Jun-05 - 05:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: say Bush lied?
Subject: RE: BS: say Bush lied?
bb, illegal use of Oil for Food funds is no reason for war. The UN was asying the day before the war began that Iraq was complying and cooperating fully - we all saw the announcement on the TV. Not sure which ceae-fire agreements you are referring to here.

There are two bodies of opinion here, and neither of us is going to persuade the other. That's OK - but do not insult the readers of your posts by using "after the fact" logic as if we were children. Let's not throw slogans at each other.

Did Bush lie or not? You thik he did not. I think he did. We'll both go to our graves with our own opinion. You feel the thousands of deaths in both camps were a price worth paying; I think it is not. I think of the US Government as the next Nazi threat; you think they are the saviours of America and the world.

I can live with that. Why can't you, and hubby too? why do you have to persuade me of your version of the truth? I am not trying to persuade you. I see facts and interpret them my way - you interpret them your way. And, to be honest, I cannot be bothered to convert you to my way of thinking. Live and die with your perception of the world, as I will with mine.