The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16217   Message #149970
Posted By: Cara
15-Dec-99 - 04:39 PM
Thread Name: Call MCat Radio w/Dialpad FREE!
Subject: Call MCat Radio w/Dialpad FREE!
Hi guys,

There's a new-ish service at this address which allows you to call from your computer to a regular telephone. It's called Dialpad, and it's easy and free. You have to sign up, and they ask some personal questions, so if you feel imposed upon then don't answer them truthfully. They say all info is secure anyway. You have to have a microphone and speakers, or a headset or some such, but it's a great service. If you haven't been able to call Mudcat Radio because you're always online and don't have an extra phone, here's your chance. Sometimes it says "no gateway available" or some such which means that all their lines are tied up, but if you peresevere you can always get through.

Anyway, I'm curious to see how it works for everyone, because the better it is, the less I'll be using my regular phone for long-distance calls!

Unfortunately, it's not yet able to support international calls. THey say it will be soon, though.