The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81771   Message #1499787
Posted By: beardedbruce
03-Jun-05 - 08:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: say Bush lied?
Subject: RE: BS: say Bush lied?
from "Republicans Who Voted Against Iraq Resolution Tell Why"

Rep. James A. Leach: "When a cornered tyrant is confronted with the use or lose option with his weapons of mass destruction and is isolated in the Arab world unless he launches a jihad against Israel, it is not hard to imagine what he will choose …

"Israel has never faced a graver challenge to its survival. The likelihood is that weapons of mass destruction, including biological agents, will be immediately unleashed in the event of Western intervention in Iraq. In the Gulf War, Saddam launched some 40 Scud missiles against Israel, none with biological agents. Today, he has mobile labs, tons of such agents and an assortment of means to deliver them … "

-------note that the reason he decided to vote against the war was that Iraq HAD all those WMD.

Rep. John J. Duncan: "Ever since the Gulf War ended in 1991, the U.S. has been spending about $4 million a day enforcing a no-fly zone in Iraq, $4 million a day. This has been a tremendous waste of money and manpower.

"I believe almost all Americans would have preferred that this $12 or $13 billion that has been spent over these years would have been spent in almost any other good way. Most Americans have not even noticed that we have been dropping bombs and still shooting at missile sites all these years in Iraq."

---note combat had NOT ceased from the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.