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Thread #81651   Message #1499803
Posted By: Dave'sWife
03-Jun-05 - 09:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Deep Throat' Revealed (non bawdy)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Deep Throat' Revealed (non bawdy)
DougR - thanks for actually reading my post and considering it. It was opinions such as yours that led me to have that in-depth conversation which lasted a couple of hours. I'm glad I took the time since I learned quite a bit about my dad's feelings on the subject and other events of the same era.

Because of my age (born in 1964), I and most people in my 'generation' had our perception of the events molded somewhat by our exposure to the film, ALL THE PRESIDENTS MEN and the book of the same title if we actually bothered to read it. If all you saw was the film, you'd come away with a view that exaggerated the importance of Mark Felt's role to the investigation and also get the impression that he was the only guy within the administration that was talking. It's quite clear now that Deep Throat's contributions were helpful, but not as crucial as they are currently being celebrated to have been.

I'm glad you can find something to agree with in Dad's reasoning and I appreciate your comments about the likly outcomes of any of Felt's other options. Having spent his life in the service of the Law, it will never be possible to convince my Dad that there wasn't SOME way for Felt to have exposed all this legally and through some proper Channel. Maybe that's wishful thinking on his part, and he admits that it may in fact be just that.

I hate to keep harping on the same thing over and over again, but I feel the victim in this latest twist is Mark Felt himself. This is so clearly NOT what he intended to be the resolution of the mystery of Deep Throat's Identity. He could have easily cashed in on his involvement 20 years ago had he wanted to and been treated far more kindly than he will be now.

I found it sickening the sight of his greedy daughter literally pushing this elderly man out in front of a media throng so he could be filmed waving to them. What kind of parasite prostitutes their impaired parent that way?