The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81708   Message #1499870
Posted By: Bobert
03-Jun-05 - 10:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: And the prisons shall be empty...
Subject: RE: BS: And the prisons shall be empty...
Yeah, some very positive posts here today which far outweigh the usual dumbass posts by the usual resident dumbass...

Yeah, Welittle, exactly.... Hey, when folks gotta mix themselves up with gangsters and criminals to get a little smoke, things do not bode well...

And Saul, right on... Mental health spending has been cut year after year ever since Reagan started axin' the Title XX money that we used to have to provide some half way decent services for folks suffering from vatious degrees of mental illness... That was 'round 1980 when the cuts started takin' place and they were down right cruel... I know because I was working in Adult Services as a social worker at the time... I saw adult day care facilties closed. These were places where folks could get some counseling, have a place to hang other than on sidewalks, and have a little hope in their lives. We had a great one in Richmond called the Daily Planet and the folks there were makin' like minimum wage to run the joint but, heym a lot of folks gopt alot of good services from the Daily Planet... Then came the Republicans who think it's all about them... Ans so they cut the Title XX funds...

Also cut were Title XX funds for "companio providers" who would assit the elderly poor folks a few hours a week with shoppin', er housework, 'er whatever they needed... Most of these elderly poor folks got about 6 hours per week which wasn't much fir shut-ins but it was better than nuthin'... Then along came compassionate conservatism where the churchs wouls step in and carry the ball... Problem was and still is that the churches have little interest in the poor or mentally ill...

So, here we are. A country run by a bunch of rich folks who think their only job is to get richer... Now these rich folks wanta cut Social Security???? And Medicaid???? They think that because they got away with cuttin' Title XX money that they can just cut any danged social program they want??? Well, this is gonna backfire on them when Joe Sixpack figguires out that hie well being is in their sights... And that day is comin' like a hell-bound train...
