The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81771   Message #1499893
Posted By: Bobert
03-Jun-05 - 11:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: say Bush lied?
Subject: RE: BS: say Bush lied?
bb, I reread it and still don't have a clue what you are trying to say but if I had to guess it's like yer accusin' me of not reading yer posts???? 'Er somethin like that??? Well, like brucie, sometimes I don't have to get to far into them to arrive at Brucie's conclusion... I'm not sure if you were around here during the Teribus days but Teribus could write reems and reems of pro-Bush stuff and say absolutely nuthin'... Some of yer posts seem to be thick in jargon and thin in ideas... Hey, I mean no offense seein' as we' ain't been locked into no head-butt thing fir quite awile but when I ain't even popsted to a thread and see where you using' my name to argue some point, hey, gets my attention...

No if you want continue the truce, fine, but like, ahhhhhhh, using me in one of yer posts when yer arguing with other folks, sho nuff ain't gonna help much...

And, fir the record, Bush did and continues to lie about just anything one can think of...
