The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81771   Message #1500141
Posted By: Amos
04-Jun-05 - 12:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: say Bush lied?
Subject: RE: BS: say Bush lied?
The current administration discredits itself repeatedly by being exposed in lies.

Consistency? Let's see -- "We should invade Iraq because they are threatening us with WMD....buying uranium in Africa...building long-range, I meant because they were rude about ignoring the, wait...we should invade them because they are cruel dictators who abuse people in prisons... no...wait.... regime change,, that's it. We will invade a foreign nation to bring them freedom!! There ya go. Spin it, George. You da MAN!"

The current administration has only the vaguest idea what their task IS, pal -- they didn't plan for it, they were totally off the wall in their estimations of the consequences of their actions, and in consequence they have dragged us into a colonial exercise of a kind not seen since the days of EM-pahr.

You who insist this sandbox was inevitable and necessary in the war against terrorism are just buffooning around. The number of civilians killed in Iraq has risen from around 25 a month to 600; the number of foreigners in the ranks of insurgents in-country has risen from 100 in May 03 to over a thousand today, estimated. In the same time frame the number of Iraqi insurgents has risen from 3,000 to 16,000 estimated, while the attacks against US forces has risen from 10 to 70 daily.

All of this is adding up to a really ugly piece of work to complete the task at hand. IF we can figger out what the hell that is.

I happen to agree with you that we do have to finish it, but I doubt your fur-topped leader could tell you what the completion of it would look like.

At a guess I would say what he'd LIKE to do is clean out the furriners from the ranks of the insurgents, suppress the insurgent operations by stompin' them out like so many roach hotels, and then man up civilian security forces in order to give the gummint some muscle, and leave them tot heir own devices with a notional government and some notional power to implement it with.

Given that we have created an ungodly dog's breakfast of this nation in the first place, yeah, we have to clean it up, and perhaps in the final analysis after the dead are all buried and the widows have run out of tears and the orphans -- still too young to buy their own Kalashnikovs just yet, but keep your eyes open....have been sent to bed...maybe in some important respects the place will be better than it was before we began, if a little shorter on personnel.   . But this operation has been one of the thick-head foot-in-mouth assholeries of all time.