The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81777   Message #1500530
Posted By: HipflaskAndy
05-Jun-05 - 12:01 PM
Thread Name: Why Julie Ellison? (Why a PermaThread?)
Subject: RE: Why Julie Ellison?
She has a permathread cos she derserves one!
John (often posting as Cittern on here) has always taken the time and trouble to post her activities on this board - there's nowt stopping ANY other doing just the same.
Then, when they're regular participants here, they too might get the same Joe 'Offer'.
And why not.

Julie is a damned fine performer, writer and excellent acoustic guitar player - I wholeheartedly recommend those that haven't heard her to give her a long hard listen.

I'm only too pleased to receive ALL news of folk artists and events by this Mudcat vehicle.... be it Punch the Horse, Howden Jones, El Greko - anyone!
To be informed is better than to be ignorant - and one can always ignore those items one doesn't wish to 'open'.

Who are you 'guest' - why hide?

Keep folkin'! - Duncan McFarlane