The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80736   Message #1500711
Posted By: gnu
05-Jun-05 - 04:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
No sweating resulting from salivation.

Ten percent chance of it happening on the other side? Shite. Didn't know about that. About five years ago, on the left side, I went "chipmunk". The parotid swelled waaaay up, fast, and I went to emerg quick. It was a "stone" plugging the duct. (I've got a good story about that one!!! Ends up with the female intern saying, "Wow! That was neat!") The high tech medical procedure for treating this? Suck on a lemon. Preventative therapy? Every couple of days, massage the gland gently from below the ear to the jaw, along the path of the duct.

Of course, after a while, you don't keep it up and you go chipmunk again - about ten times over five years, but only seriously enough to go to the doc once. And, it seemed to happen shortly after eating soft boiled eggs or fried eggs with runny, but still kinda thick, yolks.

As for the sticth, I talked to my cousin today and he said this is normal. Some of his "lasted" almost two months.

I didn't "go out" but I had a "blast" too. My infection meds were done on Friday and I blasted at home. Me, Moi and Jimmy Suis told each other stories and sang songs while drowning a few... too many. I got into trouble on the Mudcat in a thread because I had too much of a blast and got a little, no, a lot, mouty. Fuckin Irish, eh?!

Nope. Didn't go to the camp. Realized that my neck just ain't ready. I hurt it folding laundry. Folding laundry!!! Not carrying laundry down the stairs. Not mopping and vacuuming my mother's floors... folding laundry!!! Of course, when I had my blast on the weekend, I didn't have the brains to connect the rapid arm movements of "flicking" laundry during folding to playing the Rhan. Just thank goodness I make the Devil's Arc slowly (raising the beer mug to the mouth) or I'd be in serious trouble.

Alas, not all the feeling will come back for me. But I disagree with you when you say I have had a worse time of it. Perhaps a bit more inconvenience with the infection, but "tougher struggle"? No. And don't forget how lucky we are. Even though our mutual problem was a bit of a piss off, a bit of a worry, a bit of a strain on our loved ones, it pales, nay, disappears, when compared to what others have endured here at the Café during the same time period... kat, Max and others... hey, we are the lucky ones!

Anyway, I appreciate you post, your concern, your support, your "companionship" and sharing. And I hope all turns out well for you too. Keep us all apprised of your status, eh?
