The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81771   Message #1501082
Posted By: Susu's Hubby
06-Jun-05 - 09:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: say Bush lied?
Subject: RE: BS: say Bush lied?
Let's just sum this thread up.

Did Bush lie?

No, I don't think so. After years and years of listening to people on both sides of the aisle talk and fret about the WMD threat, Bush is the one who decided to do something about it. At the same time, a brutal dictator was forced out of power and the documented rape and torture rooms were closed down. 25 million Iraqi's lives were returned to them to live as free citizens so that they could start to make their own decisions and live their lives as they see fit. Sounds like a good start to me.
In the meantime, al qaeda, in the effort to fight American troops, have descended upon Iraq. This was possibly the worst decision that they could have made. Why in the world would you focus all of your resources against the world's strongest military in a place where the men and equipment are dug in? Doesn't sound too smart to me. But if that is where they want to have the party then let them all come to Iraq. Brucie, you keep asking when are we leaving. The answer that I know you're looking for is (and I'll say it) "I don't know." But we have maintained a presence in Japan after WW II. We have maintained a presence in Europe after WW II. We have maintained a presence in South Korea after the Korean war. Why would we NOT maintain a presence in Iraq after the current conflict there? The only place where we haven't maintained a military presence after a conflict is in Vietnam and the last time I checked, their government was communist. Coincedence, I think not.
Brucie, pull your head out of the clouds and put your self-righteousness to rest and stop being so apologetic for the shortcomings of the UN. It impresses nobody here (except for maybe the few wacko's that have continuosly have made their point known that they do not want what's best for America).
So now that we have determined that Bush did not "lie" about the reasons for going to war (and if you continue to argue that he did, it just shows your ignorance and exposes your hateful attitude toward what's right and decent) let's go on to the next subject. Like I've told you before, you better back up your positions with hard proof if you want to convince me otherwise.

I hope everybody has a good week and may God continue to bless America.
