The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81684   Message #1501090
Posted By: LilyFestre
06-Jun-05 - 09:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: What do women want, Part # 697????....
Subject: RE: BS: What do women want, Part # 697????....
Our house was a mess when we purchased it too. There was a sub-flooring in the hall and living room, the woodstove sat on pine floors with tinfoil on the wall for insulation (how they didn't burn the house down, I'll never know), the stove pipe was put together upside down, the majority of the sheetrock was put on backwards (white part facing in), the entire kitchen was ripped out, major plumping had to be tended to pronto, there was no railin on the stairs, the deck had holes in it and there were large holes in the bathroom walls (some unseen and only found after I found a possum sitting in the bathroom chowing down some cat food).

Seven years later and the house still is not complete. We put in new floors, knocked down a wall, hired a mason to build a chimney and base for the woodstove, put in new cupboards, sanded down the pine floors, built a new deck, hired a plumber, fixed holes, tweaked the heating system, etc. It's been a LOT of work but it also makes this old farmhouse our home...the way WE like it. The railing for the stairs and the loft isn't complete, the bathroom still has exposed pipes (no real ceiling), the front porch needs some attention...the list goes on. Sometimes it's overwhelming but the truth is, this place is 100% better than the shape we bought it in and I wouldn't trade it or move for anything.

We started out with the bed downstairs in what is now our music room while we worked on sheetrocking the bedroom and waiting on carpet to cover the contact paper covered floors. The bed sat on the wasn't so bad. We used an outside patio table in the kitchen for a place to sit and have lunch until the kitchen was finished and then we moved in furniture. Little by little, step by step...things WILL get done...just as they will at your house Bobert.

Do you have much fixin' up to do at your place Bobert or is getting moved the biggest part right now? Er...wait...I mean...for your friend....
