The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16196   Message #150214
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
16-Dec-99 - 01:31 AM
Thread Name: Castle Mudcat
Subject: RE: Castle Mudcat
Enter LEJ onto the Battlements in company with Vesuvius and Metatarsal.
LEJ:Tell to me quickly,knave, where saw you this Apparition?
Vesuvius:Twas here,Sire, close by the North Tower.
LEJ:And when saw you this stumbling specter?
Metatarsal:Thrice within the last fortnight,lastly this very Eve, when it did make full circuit of this castle wall, moaning most horribly.
V:In truth,Sire, and it did entreat us to summon you to its presence!
LEJ laughing grimly:Methinks the pair of you have drunk deep and often of Lady Caitrin's meade this Christmas Eve, that you do fashion ghosts from gray shadow, and demons from dim moonlight.Tis folly! I would return to the merriment below,leaving you both to savor the nipping,eager air.turning to Exit
M:But stay,m'Lord! Even now the wraith approaches!
V:And in the likeness of...but it cannot be!

Enter Ghost.