The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82053   Message #1502789
Posted By: GUEST,Murray on Saltspring
17-Jun-05 - 02:48 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Where's your money? In my pocket
Subject: RE: Folklore: Where's your money? In my pocket
This is the entry in my collection of "bairnsangs". I thought I sent this in to the Digitrad DB, but perhaps not.

        Far are ye gaein'? Across the gutter.

        Fat for? A pund o' butter.

        Far's yer money? In my pocket.

        Far's yer pocket? Clean forgot it!

- That "Fa" by the way = General Scots "Wha". [Aberdonian dialect]
Source of quote is:
        Jean C. Rodger, Lang Strang (1948), 13, from Forfar, c. 1910. Cf. Ritchie Golden City (1965), 48, counting-out from Edinburgh, "Who's there?/ Tiny Tiny Bear", etc. [See Opies Lore and Language of Schoolchildren (1959), 10, a fascinating (and all too rare) series of comparisons covering two and a quarter centuries, the earliest specimen being lines from Henry Carey's satire Namby Pamby, 1726: "Now he acts the Grenadier,/ Calling for a Pot of Beer:/ Where's his Money? He's forgot:/ Get him gone, a Drunken Sot."]