The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81680   Message #1503205
Posted By: jpk
17-Jun-05 - 04:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: More Muslim Intolerance (2)
Subject: RE: BS: More Muslim Intolerance (2)
simple solution;for the countries that you wish to cry about,and how bad they are being used by the one you live in.well immigrate to one of them[if they will let you most won't,but we will let them do so'immigrate to ours']and try to help them stop the exploytation of there countries[bet there leaders will stop you from doing so].i hope you make thru the trial for treason, if they let you have one that is.face the facts,our countries and there leaders may not be saints[the us,gb,germ,fr,etc],but they are far better than almost any of the other choices,thats why we still live here,we can still try to change the things we don't like,with out being locked up or beheaded[for the most part anyway,if not carefull they will take that from us to if we let them'and damn it we are letting them'things like the pat. act. and the tsb are just the foot/feet in the door].we have it good compared to most.they could too if they would fight for it,and knew the truth about who to fight,and that who is not us but there own leadership.same as we have done in the past,distant and not so distant past.