The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68767   Message #1503433
Posted By: Jim Dixon
17-Jun-05 - 11:34 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Irish songs about balls, wakes, soirees
Subject: Lyr Add: DAN O'BRIEN'S RAFFLE
From The Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music:

Words and Music by J. W. Kelly, 1888.
"Sung by Miss Maggie Cline"

1. Dan O'Brien gave a raffle to his friends a week ago.
The gang got hot when I threw forty-four.
Then they started in to fighting and I really did believe
They'd kill me when they got me on the floor.
I fought them like a tiger till O'Brien broke my nose,
Broke my ribs before the others had begun,
Then they hit me with a poker, turn'd spittoons upon my clothes.
It's a good thing that I didn't have my gun.

CHORUS 1: If you've money you can bet it, I never will forget it.
I'll hold the grudge until the day I'm dyin';
And I'll live to see the day when the penalty he'll pay,
And I will live to slaughter Dan O'Brien.

2. There were ten or twenty men started kicking at me then.
Their boots genteelly into me they drove.
Then they hit me forty cracks with the butt-end of an ax,
For someone swore that I upset the stove.
When half of them were done, then the other half begun.
I said my pray'rs and thought I had to die.
Then O'Brien, to finish all, stood me up against the wall
And turned the excelsior water in my eye.

CHORUS 2: If you've money you can bet it, I never will forget it.
I'll hold the grudge until the day I'm dyin';
And I'd give a hundred pound for to fight a single round
To show you all that I can lick O'Brien.

3. They thought they had me killed when my Irish blood they spilled.
O'Brien says, "Don't hurt him any more."
Then to show his noble heart and to give me a good start,
He gently shaved me through the barroom door.
On the very spot I fell, I heard a curious bell.
'Twas the ringing of the patrol wagon gong.
When O'Brien shouted strong, "Will you take the turkey along?"
But I slighted him and never looked around.

CHORUS 3: If you've money you can bet it, I never will forget it.
I'll hold the grudge until the day I'm dyin';
And if I can't have his life, I will go and lick his wife,
But I would sooner go and lick O'Brien.

["Raffle" seems to be a term for a sort of gambling party. The illustration on the cover shows a hand throwing three dice from a cup. I have no idea what specific game they were playing.

["Excelsior water" seems to be a comic mispronunciation of "seltzer water."]